2023 Transgender day of Remembrance

The International Transgender Day of Remembrance memorializes lives lost due to actual or perceived gender identity and expression. The first memorial was a candlelight vigil in November 1999 to honor Rita Hester, murdered in 1998.

Join St. Paul’s United Church of Christ and PFLAG Westminster Carroll County to honor the memory of those whose lives were lost this past year in acts of anti-transgender violence.

This inclusive community memorial features guest speakers and is open to the entire community and to people of all traditions. Please join us for refreshments after the memorial.

NOTE: This ceremony will replace the normal Trans/Gender Queer Support group meeting this month.

WHEN: Monday, November 20, 2023 - 7 pm

WHERE: St Paul’s UCC, 17 Bond St. Westminster MD 21157

The event is non-religious and free.